Agenda item

Quarter Three 2015/16 Performance Management Report - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which presented progress against the council’s corporate basket of performance indicators (PIs), Council Plan and service plan actions and reported other performance issues for the third quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, covering the period October to December 2015. A presentation was given by the Head of Planning and Performance (for copy of report and slides, see file of minutes).


In response to a question from Councillor Hillary regarding how the employment theme targets were determined, the Head of Planning and Performance explained that they were in the process of working with service areas to look at the range and balance of targets ensuring they were achievable as well as challenging.


Councillor R Bell referred to the obesity figures and asked if a breakdown could be provided on overweight, obese and dangerously obese figures.


Councillor Holland commented that sports and leisure should be accessible and affordable to all as this can save on health budgets in the long run, and that this should be embedded into the health programme.  The Head of Planning and Performance responded that this is done to some extent in the Council Plan. 


Councillor Adam enquired if the performance of NHS Health Checks was related to resources and asked if it was possible to be provided with an age group breakdown for suicide rates.


Councillor Wilson referred to Health and employment figures and noted that results were still below national average. In particular that children of deprived families were not eating adequately and asked if anything was being done regarding children receiving breakfast at school. Councillor Potts advised that breakfast clubs were well attended during term time but advised that there were issues during school holidays. Councillor Graham expressed concern for families having to rely on food banks that were not monitored for nutritional value. The Head of Planning and Performance advised that food bank interventions were intended as a short term solution and agreed that cheaper food was likely to be less healthy. The poverty working group were looking at holiday hunger and the link between diet and deprivation which also links into the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee reviews of the take up of free school meals and holiday hunger.



That the information contained in the report be noted.



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