The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director, Resources regarding a number of proposed changes to the Council’s contract procedure rules following the completion of an annual review process (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services informed the Council that contract procedures were a fast and developing area of Council business. A number of terms had been taken out of the rules which did not give any added value. Both the Audit Committee and Constitution Working Group had agreed the report prior to it’s consideration by County Council.
Councillor Napier commented that some Council’s had fallen foul of non-compliance in relation to contract procedures, usually on technicalities. The review would ensure the County Council had fair, transparent contract procedures. Feedback had been sought from the Council’s Strategic Procurement Network of members who had raised a number of suggestions.
Moved by Councillor Napier, Seconded by Councillor Henig and
That the Council agree the proposed changes to the Contract Procedure Rules set out in Appendix 3 of the report and that these be included for inclusion in a revised version of the Constitution.
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