Agenda item

Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.


Councillor Wilkes had sent an email to Councillor Lethbridge notifying him that he wished to raise and issue regarding the recent email which had been sent to all staff requesting details of their year end flexi time and annual leave balances. He asked why this was required when Oracle had facility to store all information such as this corporately and would allow managers to manage their teams more effectively by tracking leave etc and would save money by not having to undergo costly exercises such as this at year end.


Councillor Hillary commented that there was very little cost benefit from implementing a computer based system to record this data when staff leave cards had been and were being used effectively.


Councillor Martin further commented that it appeared that this email was interrogating individual officers and was unnecessary.


The Head of Planning and Performance added that this task was used for the simple reason of reconciling accounts at year end and was not about monitoring or reviewing leave taken by individual employees. It was suggested that this issue of leave entitlement and flexi time be raised under the review of sickness absence management and the Head of Finance (Financial Services) be invited to attend a future meeting).