Agenda item

Report on the Council's use of powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 - Quarter 4 - 2015/16

Report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services.


The Committee received a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which informed members about the Council’s use of powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (‘RIPA’) during the period 1 January 2-16 until 31 March 2016 (Quarter 4), to ensure that it is being used consistently with the Council’s policy and that the policy remains fit for purpose (for copy see file of minutes).


It was reported that during Quarter 4 there had been 2 new RIPA Directed Surveillance authorisations which related to operations conducted by Trading Standards. In addition there were 2 new Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS) authorisations which related to operations conducted by Trading Standards and 1 Communications Data application also relating to Trading Standards.


Councillor Lethbridge advised that it had been suggested that Members further explore RIPA to give a better understanding of the operations undertaken. The Solicitor suggested that the Consumer Protection Manager attends a future meeting to provide further detail, however it was noted that RIPA authorisations were extremely sensitive and limited detail on individual authorisations could be given.


Councillor Martin commented that he was unsure as to what likely actions scrutiny could recommend from receiving further information and added that he felt like they were simply making more work for themselves. Further discussion ensued regarding the topic and it was felt that it would be useful for members to have a short presentation on RIPA and the different types of authorisation/operations used, in order for Members to gain a better understanding of the process.




(i)            That the content of the report be noted.


(ii)          That the Consumer Protection Manager be invited to attend a future  meeting to provide an overview of RIPA authorisations and operations.


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