Agenda item

Quarter 3 2015/16 Performance Management Report


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Management Team which presented progress against the Councils corporate basket of performance indicators for the Altogether Greener theme and report other significant performance issues for the third quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, covering the period October to December 2015 (for copy of report, see file of minutes)


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager gave a presentation which gave an update of the performance indicators relating to:


·       Refuse and Recycling

·       Environmental Cleanliness

·       Land and Air Quality

·       Fly-tipping

·       Local Authority Road Network

·       Reduction in Carbon Emissions

·       Renewable Energy Generation


Councillor Clare referred to the results of litter and detritus which were brilliant and in his area some response times were the same morning. He then sought clarification on the 96% of waste diverted from landfill as his understanding was that nothing went to landfill.


The Customer Relations Policy & Performance Manager responded that there was always some residual that went to landfill but some planned essential works had taken place at SITA so it had to be sent to landfill, but they still met the 95% target.


Councillor Jewell referred to the action plan for developing a countywide allotment forum which is constantly been extended.


The Customer Relations Policy & Performance Manager responded that there were different tenancies from the various authorities which were complex to harmonise.


Councillor May referred to the improvements on roundabouts in particular the impact on local residents as a roundabout in his area one road could not get onto the roundabout as it was so fast which resulted in them using an alternative route and was this taken into consideration.


The Customer Relations Policy & Performance Manager responded local consultation was carried out and the scanner transport survey would look at satisfaction levels.


Councillor Holland congratulated the team on the quality of the service and the absence of complaints would suggest that they were doing a good job. He commented that the recycling scheme was most economic, sending waste to SITA, which was a good initiative.


The Chairman commented that in view of the savings that had to be made they were still doing a really good job.


Resolved: That the report be noted.

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