Agenda item

Council Plan 2016-2019 Refresh of the Work Programme for the Corporate Issues Scrutiny Committee

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which provided members with information contained within the Council Plan 2016 -2019, relevant to the work of the Corporate Issues Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This further provided members with the opportunity to refresh the Committee Work Programme to reflect the 4 objectives and associated outcomes and action areas identified within the Council Plan for the Council’s Altogether better Council priority theme (for copy see file of minutes).


The Head of Planning and Performance referred members to paragraph 7 of the report which detailed the current areas of work and overview areas of activity. Further detail was provided in paragraph 8 relating to areas for consideration in the work programme and members views were sought.


Councillor Martin in referring to the Joint Meeting with Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, where consideration of the MTFP had taken place, added that there had been a distinct lack of prior scrutiny of budget proposals and suggested that a report should be available for scrutiny to consider in the autumn, outlining in detail how and what budget proposals were for 2017/18. Councillor Wilkes further commented that most officers would know at an early stage what their savings were for 2017/18 and what figures were in their allocated budgets. He suggested therefore that each scrutiny committee received on a quarterly basis details regarding budget proposals, in order for members to have the opportunity to comment early in the process.


Councillor Armstrong commented that he had no problem in receiving information in a timely manner and suggested that the Portfolio Holder should bring forward their plans as soon as they are available. He further added that unfortunately on a number of occasions the council had had to be reactive regarding budget proposals due to the timing of receiving the settlement from central government.


Councillor Stradling added that this had already been discussed and agreed that savings should be reported to OSMB and disseminated down to scrutiny committees. Councillor K Henig agreed that it was better is OSMB had the opportunity to consider and comment on proposals first.


Councillor Wilkes further commented that savings were based on a 3-5 year plan, not upon the settlement received from central government. By waiting for this information to come from government there was no opportunity to look at proposals in detail. He further made reference to Gateshead Council, who circulated to members, details of proposals relevant to each service area well in advance. Further discussion ensued and Councillor Martin added that he could see no reason why the committee could not ask for the scope of savings to be presented earlier and that any changes that did have to be made as a result of the settlement could be factored in at that time. He further commented that members did need the information earlier (with detail) as at this present time, were not getting the opportunity to scrutinise.


Councillor Armstrong suggested that the comments be taken back to the Assistant Chief Executive and a request be made that reports be submitted in a more timely manner via OSMB and that a timetable for scoping the budget be put in place. Councillor Wilkes further added that if services were unable to provide the required level of detail that a full explanation be provided as to why it was unavailable and when it was to be expected. He further commented that in his opinion the OSC’s should be reporting to OSMB rather than the other way around as there could potentially be delays between meetings.


In conclusion the Head of Planning and Performance advised that she would take comments made regarding budget proposals back to the Assistant Chief Executive.


Councillor Hillary in referring back to the work programme asked whether it would be worth the committee looking at succession planning. He further added that he would be pleased to receive further information as part of review updates regarding sickness absence and appraisals.




That the content of the report be noted and comments be taken back to the Assistant Chief Executive for consideration.

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