Agenda item

CRM Light Touch Review - Verbal Update.


The Committee received a verbal update by the Head of Planning and Performance regarding progress of the CRM Light Touch Review group. She advised that at the last meeting members had been given a demonstration of the basic system that had been developed for Durham County Council and this had proved useful.


It was then intended that a representative from Northumberland County Council would attend a meeting to discuss the development of their CRM system and the Member Portal. Unfortunately the meeting had to be cancelled at short notice as the officer was unable to attend. It was therefore proposed that this session be undertaken alongside a site visit to Northumberland County Council headquarters followed by a workshop. Members would be notified as soon as this had been arranged.


Regarding the development of Durham County Council’s CRM system it was noted that Phase 1 was due to be implemented in May so members still had time to input into the process and make recommendations on the remainder of its development.




That the content of the update be noted.