Agenda item

Quarterly Performance and Operational Report

Report of the Bereavement Services Manager.


The Bereavement Services Manager, Graham Harrison asked Members to note the performance figures from January 2016 to March 2016 and the comparison to the same period for 2015, highlighting that there was a net decrease of 18 cremations.  It was explained that Funeral Directors had noted similar reductions, with the death rate having been lower over the mild winter period.  It was noted there was a total of 665 for the three month period with the January to March 2016 profile breakdown showing 199 from Durham, 27 from Spennymoor and 439 from outside of the area.  Councillors were asked to note that the figure for the total number of cremations to 31 March 2016 was 2,247, compared to a prudent budget assumption of 2,120 cremations, representing an over-achievement in cremation fee income of £73,770. 


The Bereavement Services Manager noted the performance over the previous five financial years and asked Members to note the number of memorials sold in comparison to the same period the previous year, with sales being £4,806 less.  It was explained that this may be due to ongoing financial difficulties faced by many residents in County Durham as a result of weak economic conditions, the impact of Welfare Reform and Government austerity measures.


The Joint Committee noted an issue in respect of the vacant Crematorium Operative post, and noted advertisements had been placed internally at both Durham County Council and Spennymoor Town Council and then externally.  It was explained that as there had been no suitable candidate it was recommended that an external advertisement be made for a Trainee position.


Councillors noted the usual arrangements had been made for the Bereavement Services Manager to attend the Joint Conference of the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities and Cremation Society of Great Britain, to be held at Stratford-upon-Avon from Monday 4 to Wednesday 6 July 2016.  It was noted on this occasion the Bereavement Services Manager would be accompanied by the current Vice-Chairman, Councillor M Plews as the Chairman, Councillor JV Graham was unable to attend.


The Bereavement Services Manager informed Members that the Recycling of Metals Scheme had generated a sum of £4,444 for The British Heart Foundation.  The Bereavement Services Manager noted that arrangements were being made in respect of the cheque being presented by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee to the charity. 


The Bereavement Services Manager referred Members to report setting out the update on Crematorium Improvement Works.  It was added that the last stage of the Phase 3 works, the replacement of canopies, had commenced on 2 April 2016 and had an estimated completion date of 8 August 2016.  Members were reminded of the arrangements in place in terms of the Crematorium being closed every Monday during this period to ensure works are completed timely, and that Funeral Directors were happy to work alongside the Crematorium in this respect.  




(i)              That the current performance of the Crematorium be noted.

(ii)             That an advertisement be placed for a Trainee position at the Crematorium, as there had been no suitable candidates for the vacant Crematorium Operative post.

(iii)           That the attendance at the Burial and Cremation Conference be noted.

(iv)           That the distribution of recycling income to the respective charity be noted.

(v)            That the progress of the Phase 3 canopy replacement works be noted.

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