The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive which summarised the proposed devolution agreement, outlined the developments since the report to Cabinet in March and considered the pros and cons of the agreement, in the light of what we now know about the consequences of opting-in or opting-out of the North East Combined Authority (NECA) and to make recommendations on next steps (for copy see file of minutes).
The Leader and Cabinet members thanked the Corporate Management Team for the time and resources that they had input into this.
The Leader gave an update on developments since the last Cabinet meeting and explained how fair funding was integral to making devolution work as without it there were no prospects to proceed, which they had kept emphasising was vital for County Durham and the north east. He referred to the poll undertaken by electors in county Durham and how moving forward was reflective of the results of the poll.
Cabinet members spoke about how this was such an important decision for county Durham, its purpose being to improve the quality of life for people in the county. They emphasised the importance in getting the right deal so were supportive of moving to the next stage in the process in making an order, however prior to the laying of a second order that the conditions set out in the report be met.
That the recommendations in the report be approved.
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