Agenda item

Review of the Corporate Management Team - Report of Chief Executive


The Council considered a report of the Chief Executive Officer which proposed a change to the existing Service Groupings within the Council and sought approval to initiate a restructure exercise of the existing Corporate Management Team and to undertake a recruitment exercise through the Chief Officer Appointments Committee to any vacant posts which remained following the restructure process (for copy see file of Minutes).


In Moving the report Councillor Henig, Leader of the Council thanked the Chief Executive for his presentation of the proposed restructure and for the time he had taken talking to staff, trades unions and Members about the proposals.  It was important that the Chief Executive had the latitude to be able to bring forward such proposals which were appropriate for current times in local government, were cost neutral and would bring forward future savings.


In Seconding the report, Councillor Napier, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance informed the Council that the current structure, which had been in place since 2008, had served the Council well.  However, some eight years later expectations and local government had changed.


Councillors R Bell and A Hopgood expressed their support for the proposed restructure.



That the recommendations contained in the report be approved.

Supporting documents: