Agenda item

Media Relations


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to recent press articles relating to the remit of Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The articles were:


·       Butterfly numbers in North East plummet but there was good news - A nationwide butterfly count had revealed that the numbers of butterfly’s had reduced but due to climate change a wider variety of species were now being seen in the North East.

·       Durham wins third gold in Britain in Bloom finals - Durham City was nominated to represent Northumbria region in the Champion of Champions category of the Britain in Bloom competition and won gold.

·       European energy efficiency experts flock to Durham - County Durham had hosted a conference, kick starting a five year Europe-wide project to save money and the environment.  Due to previous successful work on energy efficiency schemes, £340,000 of funding was awarded to County Durham to take part in two European schemes over the coming years as part of the Interreg programme.


Resolved: That the presentation be noted.