Agenda item



The Minutes of the meeting held 23 March 2016 were agreed as a correct record, subject to the apologies for Councillor S Forster being recorded, and signed by the Chairman.


The Chairman noted the Council had won a MJ Award for Excellence in Governance and Scrutiny and the thanked all Members, Co-opted Members and Officers for their hard work.  The Chairman congratulated Deputy Chief Constable, Stephen Watson on behalf of the Committee, on his appointment to be Chief Constable at South Yorkshire Police.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Jonathan Slee explained that a response to the City Safety Group (CSG) had been passed from the Committee to the Corporate Director of Neighbourhood Services, Oliver Sherratt and there would be an update back to Committee in due course.


Councillors noted an upcoming meeting of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 3 June, with Safer and Stronger Communities Members invited to attend in respect of the item on Environmental Improvement Campaigns.  It was added there was a Special Meeting of the Committee, 29 June, looking at the new drug and alcohol service, following the comments from Members in terms of the Quarter 3 Performance Management Report.  It was explained that as there were cross-cutting issues, Members of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health and Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees would be invited to attend.


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