Agenda item

Media Relations


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).  The articles included: Durham Constabulary focusing on the issues of drinking and driving and anti-social behaviour, “issuing a red card warning” during the European Football Championship 2016; and “One Punch Can Kill” a campaign rolled out to Chester-le-Street.  It was added that this campaign was headed by the Harm Reduction Unit (HRU) in terms of warning against the dangers of violence, with the mother of a victim having worked with the HRU and via Area Action Partnership funding to have promotional beer mats warning of the dangers distributed in the Chester-le-Street area.  Members noted that further to the work of the 20mph Working Group and the Road Safety Team schoolchildren from Cestria Primary School and Park View Lower School had their artwork was added to 20mph signage.




That the presentation be noted.