Agenda item

Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 Update

Report of Steve Watson, Deputy Chief Constable, Durham Constabulary.


The Chairman introduced Sergeant Jayne Freeman, Durham Constabulary who was in attendance to give an update presentation to Members in respect of the County Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (for copy see file of minutes).


Sergeant J Freeman referred Members to the report circulated with the agenda papers, adding she would cover the most salient points therein.  Members noted the background to the “Prevent Duty” and that there had been strong progress in all elements, with the Safe Durham Partnership’s (SDP) Contest Silver Group (CSG) having demonstrated strong leadership and partnership working.  Members were reminded of the ongoing awareness sessions that had been carried out, thousands of professionals having noted the Prevent Duty, with Childcare professionals having been the latest people receiving the briefing.  It was added that Dr D Sloggett, a national expert on Counter Terrorism, had spoken at four Prevent Seminars, to over 375 professionals across the SDP and Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS).


It was reiterated that all parties had a duty to raise awareness and were doing so well, and it explained that Durham County Council had in place a “Channel Panel”, with the Council’s Strategic Manager, County Durham Youth Offending Service (CDYOS), Gill Eshelby chairing the Panel.  Members noted a referral programme for those aged 0-19 was being developed by the Council.


The Chairman thanked Sergeant J Freeman and asked Members for their questions on the report.


Councillor T Nearney asked whether community intelligence was key, noting that there had been a lot of work in briefing our professionals adding perhaps there was a need to look to brief community groups, and commented that perhaps far-right extremism was more of an issue than Islamic extremism in our region.  Sergeant J Freeman noted that community intelligence was vital and that the Council’s Community Safety Coordinator, Graham McArdle was working with his team on community projects.  The Head of Planning and Service Strategy, Children and Adult Services, Peter Appleton explained that the Community Cohesion Toolkit could be used and built upon in terms of local intelligence and working with Elected Members.  The Head of Planning and Service Strategy added that where there were tensions in communities, there was pro-active work taken in communities by the Council’s Head of Partnership and Community Engagement, Gordon Elliott, working to promote community cohesion, utilising the Area Action Partnerships (AAPs).


The Chairman noted the recent tragic events in Yorkshire regarding Jo Cox MP and asked if there was any intelligence of an upsurge in far-right activity in our region.  Sergeant J Freeman noted that there were no specific threats identified at this time, however, it was noted that far-right extremism was an issue that professionals looked at, not just a stereotypical view of an “Islamic extremist”.  Members were reminded of a plot in 2009 elsewhere in the county involving ricin and the importance of gathering intelligence, with the Prevent Duty having been portrayed in some parts of the media as spying.


Councillor F Tinsley asked if the speaker felt there were any gaps in the information sharing that was taking place and asked if the guidance referred to in paragraph 16 of the report had now been received.  Sergeant J Freeman noted that the guidance to accompany the national Counter Extremism Strategy had not yet been received.

Sergeant J Freeman added that there was a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for all partners within the CSG and information is shared accordingly and there was no gaps in the information sharing perceived at this time.


Mr AJ Cooke noted recent tragic events in this country and abroad and asked if mental health issues were a factor that was considered.  Sergeant J Freeman noted that mental health professionals were aware of the Prevent duty and would share information accordingly.  Mr J Welch asked whether high profile events were being reviewed in the wake of recent incidents.  Sergeant J Freeman noted that there would be a review and also specific events would have security arrangements in place and if any Members had concerns regarding an event they should speak to the Police.  The Head of Planning and Service Strategy added that there was important work ongoing with schools, noting the use of risk assessment templates and that advice was available for schools as required.  




That the report be noted.


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