Agenda item

Quarter 4 2015/16 Performance Management Report

  Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – presented by the Strategic

  Manager - Performance and Information Management, Children and Adults



The Chairman introduced the Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management, Keith Forster who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 4 2015/16 Performance Management Report for the Altogether Safer theme (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management referred Members to the report and noted key performance achievements, including: 91.4% of respondents to the Adult Social Care Survey noting the services they used made them feel safe and secure, against a target of 90%; increased performance in relation to Care Connect call responses; the number of first time entrants to the Youth Justice System being well within target.


Members recalled the discussion at the last meeting in terms of crime, reporting and recording and it was noted that tracker indicators showed while there was an increase in the number of crimes, the rate was lower than comparable force areas.  It was added that anti-social behaviour (ASB) and ASB which was alcohol related had reduced, as had violent crime.  It was noted that while there had been a slight increase in theft offences, the rate per 1,000 population was significantly better than the national average.  Members recalled an item at a recent Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee that looked at the issue of fly-tipping, highlighting activities including Operation Stop It.


It was noted that the key performance issues included a further underperformance in respect of the number of people completing alcohol and drug treatment, noting the new provider, Lifeline, now had data for 6 months in terms of drug treatment and 12 months for Alcohol Treatment.  Members noted Public Health and Commissioning were monitoring the service and a Performance Improvement Plan was in place with actions including: programmes to reduce the time in treatment; improved pathways for referrals; enhanced performance management of caseloads; and procurement of a new IT database.  It was added that there would be a Special Meeting of the Committee looking at the drug and alcohol service, scheduled for 29 June 2016.

In respect of re-offending, it was noted that Durham’s re-offending rate was 28.4% which was higher than the national average (26%).  Members noted the success of the Checkpoint Phase 1 with 391 of 440 people having successful completed the programme.  It was added that Phase 2 would also contain randomised control sampling.  Councillors were reminded that the number of children re-offending had reduced over the last few years, with the remaining cohort being those with the most challenging behaviours.


Members noted that number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents had increased and queries with Road Safety colleague had not highlighted any single significant cause.


The Chairman thanked the Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management and asked Members for their questions.


Councillor N Martin noted for the upcoming meeting looking at the drug and alcohol service it would be useful to not only have the percentage of those successfully completing alcohol treatment, but also information in terms of the demand upon the service, the number needing to access the service in comparison to those in treatment.


Councillor S Forster asked as regards successful “completions”.  For alcohol treatment, the Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management explained that completions were where clients had completed their planned treatment and left the service.  In the case of successful drug treatments, clients must not re-present within 6 months of completing treatment to count as a success.


Councillor T Nearney asked as regards Checkpoint Phase 2 and whether the programme was being expanded.  The Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management noted he would seek clarification from Police colleagues in this regard, with the Head of Planning and Service Strategy adding that following an independent evaluation of Phase 1 a decision on Phase 2 would be made.  The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that following the progress of the Checkpoint programme was set out within the Committee’s Work Programme.


The Chairman noted the increasing figures in terms of those killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents and that the Council’s Strategic Traffic Manager, Dave Wafer would be in attendance at the September meeting of the Committee with further information.  The Chairman asked as regards how comparators were chosen in terms of performance data.  The Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management explained that when looking regionally this was comparing to 11 neighbouring Local Authorities (LAs) and when considering similar areas, this would look at a group of approximately 15 LAs that were comparable to Durham. 


The Chairman noted the actions taken against those fly-tipping, highlighting the fines issued and the effectiveness of the surveillance equipment used, some of which Members had contributed towards via their Neighbourhood Budgets.  The Chairman asked whether the figures in relation to the number of young people re-offending had reached a plateau.  The Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management reiterated that the Strategic Manager, County Durham Youth Offending Service (CDYOS) had explained that over the last few years there had been a significant reduction in numbers, and enhanced interventions were continuing with the existing cohort to try and reduce re-offending further. 

The Chairman noted this and asked whether there would need to be a change in the approach in order to tackle those complex issues.  




That the report be noted.


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