Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Review Update

Verbal Update by the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Jonathan Slee - Alcohol and the Demand on Emergency Services.



The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that in terms of the 20mph Working Group, the report had been presented to Cabinet in May and that in terms of the Alcohol and the Demand on the Emergency Services Working Group, a meeting would be called in due course to discuss findings a draft recommendations prior to being considered by Members and Partners, with an aim to have the report of the Working Group on the agenda for the October meeting of Cabinet.


Councillors noted that, as agreed, the next Working Group of the Committee would be looking at Improving Safety in the Home and would aim to have its first meeting in September, dates to be circulated once arranged.  It was added there would be information from the Local Authority and County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service and on how the two organisations shared their information to help protect those vulnerable people in our communities.


The Vice-Chairman, Councillor T Nearney noted that the reason for the Alcohol and the Demand on the Emergency Services Report going to the October Cabinet rather than September was to ensure that all Partners involved in the review had been given the opportunity to input and provide feedback.




That the verbal update be noted.