Agenda item

DM/15/03779/FPA - Land adjoining Snook Acres, Front Street, Witton Gilbert, DH7 6SY

Erection of 14 residential properties, associated highways and landscaping works


The Senior Planning Officer, Chris Baxter gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, copies of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The Officer advised that Members of the Committee had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.  The application was for the erection of 14 residential properties, associated highways and landscaping works and was recommended for approval subject to conditions. 


Members noted that within Condition 2 that the following Plan Reference Numbers would be required to reflect amended plans, updating the recommendation should Members wish to approve the application: PL06J; PL07H; PL08B and PL16A.


The Committee noted that there had been no objections from the statutory consultees on the application, however internally the Landscape Team had raised some concerns in terms of significant adverse landscape and visual effects and Ecology Team had made Officers aware that the development impacted upon the Sacriston Subglacial Channels Local Geological Site.  The Committee noted 7 letters of objection from the members of the public and objections from the Parish Council, as set out within the report, with Witton Gilbert Parish Council objection to the design and house types, not the principle of development at the site. 


The Senior Planning Officer noted that the design was considered acceptable in terms of the tree cover that would be retained and in terms of parking provision and access to the site.  It was added that approval would also be subject to the completion of a s106 agreement in terms of securing £5,000 towards public art in the locality and the provision of open space within the site.


The Chairman noted there were no registered Speakers and asked Members of the Committee for their questions and comments on the application


Councillor M Davinson noted that if he was a local resident he would have concerns in terms of where construction materials would be stored and how construction traffic would be organised and therefore suggested a construction management plan be included, as well as setting out the hours during which works could take place, to protect local residents’ amenity.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that a construction management plan had not been suggested, however, if this was something Members felt was required, it could be included.  It was added that as the site was quite large it as felt it would be able to accommodate the materials and equipment required for the development within the site boundary.




Councillor J Lethbridge noted he was pleased with the decision made to reduce the number of houses from 19 to 14 in this amended scheme and recalled from the visit that the site sat in a natural hollow and asked whether this presented any risk in terms of flooding, and had this been assessed.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that the proposals were to make the site level, elevating the lower side of the site, and that the Environment Agency had raised no objections and Northumbrian Water and the Council’s Drainage Officer had also raised no objections, subject to the relevant conditions as set out within the report.


Councillor P Conway noted he agreed with Councillor M Davinson in respect of a construction management plan and the usual hours of operation and asked for thoughts from Officers in terms of the comments from the Parish Council and Council’s Conservation and Design Team on the design and houses types as set out in the application.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that the Parish Council had felt the proposals did not fit in with the village of Witton Gilbert, however, Planners felt that the design was acceptable and, while a more modern estate, the design issues were not sufficient to be able to warrant a refusal recommendation.


The Chairman asked if Members were willing to vote, noting the amended plan numbers and construction management plan and hours of operation as proposed and seconded by Councillors M Davinson and P Conway.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the Section 106 Agreement and conditions detailed in the Officer’s report to the Committee, amended plan numbers as mentioned by the Senior Planning Officer and an additional condition in terms of a construction management plan and hours of operation.

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