Agenda item

Update on the Future Arrangements for the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) Collection - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive that provided an update on the implementation of future arrangements of the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) collection. A presentation was given by the Head of Culture and Sport (for copy of report and slides, see file of minutes).


The Head of Culture and Sport gave a detailed presentation highlighting the following areas:-


  • Previous Decision and Background
  • Project Delivery
  • DLI Collection Update
  • Wider DLI/WW1 Programme
  • Next Steps


Councillor Neil Foster, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration updated members on the Somme event that took place on palace green on the 16 June 2016 and advised that the feedback recorded in the visitor book was very positive. A small number of concerns were raised that required reassurances and clarification of plans regarding family collections. Residents were to be encouraged to come forward and be involved in the stories they would want to be told over the next 4 years.


Councillor Hopgood was delighted with the recent exhibitions and events taking place. She asked for clarification regarding exhibit items as she was under the impression that exhibit items were not leaving the County. The Head of Culture and Sport responded that no items would leave the County, however due to the size and weight limitations on temporary exhibitions sites the Wakenshaw gun would be housed at the Sevenhills site and the Bren Gun carrier and name plates at Shildon Locomotion. A replica jeep which does not form part of the collection was in storage as no interest had been generated at the present time.


Councillor Nearney queried when the qualitative data would be available to reflect the priorities of the people who visited the Somme exhibition. The Head of Culture and Sport advised that visitor numbers were tracked and the Somme exhibition was on target. He added that the figures for the centenary of the Somme would be an exception and that next year would produce more secure figures that would be reported back to the Board.


Councillor Martin was impressed with the activity, however struggled to see how the £70,000 allocated would cover costs, even with careful budgeting.  The Head of Culture and Sport explained that the £70,000 included arrangements with the University for curatorial expertise and exhibition and permanent gallery space, Sevenhills site and the education programme with additional resources from capital money accrued and funding grants.


Councillor Adam had attended the very emotional Somme event and commented on the considerable amount of work carried out resulting in the smooth transition. After speaking to trustees and friends of the DLI there were still some concerns, however overall the comments had been very positive. He added that the educational programme and online service would broaden the field and be beneficial for collection and future of the DLI.


Councillor R Bell welcomed digitising material and questioned links to the County Records Office. He appreciated that it was not the responsibility of the Council, however, queried the plans for the £10,000 raised by the ‘Save the DLI’ Campaign. Councillor Foster commented that written records were part of a wider collection that would be kept in the County Records Office and the digitalisation would help to join records together. The Head of Culture and Sport understood that large donations had been returned and advised that the Ogilby Trust would administer small donations ensuring appropriate use of money with the sole purpose to preserve the memory and promote the DLI collection.



That the information contained in the report and presentation be noted.


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