Agenda item

Media Relations


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).


The articles included: an ageing workforce, particularly in the manufacturing industry and the need to promote engineering, technology and manufacturing within schools and colleges as a career choice, mirroring the work of the Committee’s Skills Development Working Group; work progressing at Hitachi Rail Europe, with new trains being tested on North East train lines for the first time; ReViral, a company based at NetPark will create additional jobs, with research into drugs combating respiratory disease; a spring campaign by Visit County Durham promoting local heritage, with colleagues from VCD in attendance at Committee today; and confirmation of a fifth Lumiere Festival for Durham in 2017 following the success of Lumiere 2015 attracting 200,000 people and boosting the local economy by £9.6m.


Councillor J Clare added that Hitachi Rail Europe had passed the 500 employees mark at its Newton Aycliffe facility and had won a North East of England CIPD award: HR&D Team of the Year.




That the presentation be noted.