Agenda item

Update on the Office Accommodation Programme and Outline Business Case for a New Headquarters - Joint Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development and Assistant Chief Executive


The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development and Assistant Chief Executive which updated Cabinet on progress made in respect of the Office Accommodation Programme and in particular the outcomes of the Outline Business Case for the proposed new headquarters (HQ), and, outlined the preferred option for the new HQ for the Council and sought approval to move to the next stage of the programme being the preparation of the Full Business Case for the preferred option (for copy see file of minutes).


Councillor Hopgood referred to the recent decision of the UK to leave the EU and asked about the plans in place to mitigate against loss of interest in the Aykley Heads site. Councillor Foster and other cabinet members advised that there would be challenging days ahead following the decision, however the site was the best strategic and employment site in England and possibly Europe, and with the potential of hosting 6,000 jobs it provided outstanding opportunities to extend the county’s growth.




That the recommendations in the report be approved.


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