Agenda item

Review of the Committee's Work Programme 2016-17

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Committee received a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which provided an updated work programme for the Corporate Issues Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2016-17 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Head of Planning and Performance advised that as per discussions at the previous meeting held on 20 April the following topic had been highlighted for in depth scrutiny review activity:-

·         Major focus on MTFP and that early involvement is important.

·         Other possible areas for consideration were:

o   Overview of ICT

o   Systematic review of Attendance Management, update on recommendations

o   Progress on appraisals performance

o   Consideration of succession planning.


It was further noted that a review of the CRM system was ongoing and an update would be reported following the next meeting of the group which was likely to be held in September.


Councillor Armstrong added that all work picked up by the committee would need to be completed by the end of January 2017 ahead of the election and new council. He further added that savings identified as part of the MTFP were expected by October and therefore felt that this would allow the committee more time to debate the savings proposed. With regard to succession planning which had been raised by Councillor Hillary at the previous meeting he agreed that this was an important topic for consideration.


Councillor Wilkes commented that he was less confident than Councillor Armstrong regarding the timing of receiving MTFP reports and added that there was no reason why every two months the committee could not be offered the opportunity to comment on proposed savings in line with current practice which had been adopted by Gateshead Council.


Further debate took place regarding the timing and content of information received relating to savings and although Councillor Wilkes felt that the information received did not offer enough detail nor was received early enough for scrutiny to debate fully, Councillor Armstrong added that the committee could not discuss guesstimates and only concrete detail (figures and information) could be considered in order for it to be a valued process.




That the work programme 2016-17 as attached to the report be agreed.




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