Agenda item

DM/16/01356/FPA - Aldi Stores Ltd, Site Of Peterlee Building Supplies, Yoden Way, Peterlee, SR8 4RD

Proposed retail store and associated works.


The Senior Planning Officer, Steven Pilkington gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, copies of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The application was for a retail store and associated works and was recommended for approval subject to conditions. 


Members noted that the application as set out in the report had several changes from the original submission, including a protected right turn into the proposed development, a pedestrian refuge island and a nearby bus stop would be retained.  Councillors noted images showing existing routes through the application site, with a “desire line” that ran past an adjacent property, which was proposed to be incorporated into the design and made into a link to existing residential properties.  It was added that the design included additional tree planting to help mitigate the impact of the car park on the adjacent property, noting the height difference between the two. 


The Committee noted that there had been no objections from the statutory or internal consultees on the application, subject to the conditions set out in the report.  Members noted 3 letters of objection from the members of the public and 113 letters of support, a summary of the main points raised being set out in the report.


The Senior Planning Officer noted there were some minor changes to the conditions to incorporate an additional tree in the landscape plan and to reflect a relocated secure cycle store.  It was also proposed that Condition 9 was amended such that the opening times would be between 8:00 and 22:00 Monday to Friday, including Bank Holidays, and between 10:00 and 16:00 Sundays, with Environmental Health having noted no objections to this change.  It was added that approval would also be subject to the completion of a s106 agreement in terms of securing £10,000 to enhance biodiversity on land adjacent to the application site.


The Chairman asked the Committee Services Officer to read out a statement from a Local Member, Councillor A Laing, who was unable to attend the Committee meeting.


“I am one of the two Members for the Peterlee East Division, the application for the development of the Aldi Store on the former site of Peterlee building supplies is within my division.  I know people find it strange being on the edge of Horden that this in the Peterlee East Ward but nevertheless Horden has been bereft of a Supermarket for a number of years and now has the opportunity to put this right.  This application would also bring much needed employment to the area. I therefore wholeheartedly support this application”.


The Chairman thanked the Committee Services Officer and introduced Mr M Shillaw, a local resident, who was in attendance to speak in relation to the application, having 5 minutes to address the Committee.


Mr M Shillaw explained that he and his wife had purchased the property adjacent to the application site in October 2015, spending their lifesavings on their dream home.  Mr M Shillaw noted that the proposed car park for the store would back directly on to his property, with his main bedroom window facing the car park.  Mr M Shillaw added that it was known that car parks at various stores located in the Peterlee area had experienced problems in terms of anti-social behaviour with people gathering in their cars, creating noise and disturbance at unsociable hours.  Mr M Shillaw added that in those instances, barriers had been fitted to car parks to prevent access when the stores were closed and suggested this may be a good preventative measure that could be incorporated into the design at this stage.  Mr M Shillaw concluded by noting a small strip between his property and the development site and asked whether this was retained in the Council’s ownership and if so, would it be possible to utilise this area in terms of providing additional screening.  


The Chairman thanked Mr M Shillaw and introduced Mr S Plumb for the Applicant, Aldi Stores Ltd, for the applicant, to speak in support of the application, having 5 minutes to address the Committee. 


Mr S Plumb explained he was Property Director for Aldi Stores and noted the issues raised by Mr M Shillaw.  Mr S Plumb explained that a new store was a multi-million pound investment by an award winning company, would provide a boost for the area and create up to 30 full-time equivalent jobs for local people.  It was added there would be additional employment in terms of the construction of the proposed store and that the location close to Horden would complement existing footfall.  Members noted the proposed store would incorporate 103 free car-parking places and it was felt to be a sustainable development.  Mr S Plumb noted the company had engaged with local people, holding an exhibition, and reacted to issues raised by making changes such as the inclusion of a pedestrian refuse island and retaining existing pedestrian links to Yoden Way.  Mr S Plumb noted additional screening had also been included with proposals and there was a 32 camera CCTV system proposed.  In terms of a community role, Mr S Plumb noted Aldi Stores would only add a gate to a car park as a last resort, and would look to manage any issues of anti-social behaviour.  Mr S Plumb noted that the area in between the proposed car park and Mr M Shillaw’s property formed part of the application site.  Mr S Plumb concluded by explained that Aldi Stores had made changes in respect of comments raised by local residents and would deal with any issues such as anti-social behaviour accordingly, should they arise.


The Chairman thanked Mr S Plumb and asked Members of the Committee for their questions and comments on the application.



Councillor C Kay noted there was objection in terms of visual amenity, however asked how a development of a store would be of poorer amenity than a derelict site. 


The Senior Planning Officer referred Members to the slide within his presentation showing a view to the rear of the adjacent property and the existing link path and noted while there was a loss of amenity in terms of the development of a new store at the site, there were benefits in terms of the derelict site being redeveloped and management of any issues such as anti-social behaviour.


Councillor A Bell noted that the development would be good for the area, good for jobs and proposed, subject to the amended drawings and conditions as described by the Senior Planning Officer, that the application be approved.


Councillor J Clark echoed the comments in terms of the application being positive with the redevelopment of a derelict site, however, noted the comments of Mr M Shillaw in respect of amenity and asked whether the tree screening would be saplings or mature specimens.  Councillor J Clark concluded by noting the consideration of the pedestrian refuge was welcomed, especially with the close proximity of a school.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that it was proposed that 4 of the trees would be mature specimens, providing a degree of screening initially with this improving as all planting matured.


Councillor A Hopgood noted the proposal represented a good scheme, however asked whether the request for opening between 8am until 10pm on Bank Holidays was appropriate in terms of impact upon local residents.


Councillor J Lethbridge noted the advantages to the development at the site were clear and while he had sympathy in terms of the concerns raised by Mr M Shillaw, he noted that a similar development by another retailer in the Bishop Auckland area had been completed and when issues in connection with the car park at this store had been highlighted, the company had installed a barrier to mitigate the problems.


Councillor P Conway noted he was supportive of the application, which he felt was clearly of benefit to the residents of Horden and Peterlee, and asked as regards Condition 12, details of the Construction Management Plan (CMP) and whether there were any conditions in terms of hours of works on site.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that details of the CMP would be submitted to the Local Planning Authority should the application be approved.  The Senior Planning Officer added that in terms of the issue of Bank Holiday opening times, the applicant had stated that in terms of retail regulations, Bank Holidays were considered no different to any other weekday in terms of trading.


Councillor A Bell moved that the application be approved, subject to the amended drawings and condition relating to bank holiday opening hours; he was seconded by Councillor J Alvey.  








That the application be APPROVED subject to the Section 106 Agreement and conditions detailed in the Officer’s report to the Committee, together with amended drawings and an amended Condition 9, as mentioned by the Senior Planning Officer.


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