Agenda item

DM/16/01202/FPA - McDonalds Restaurants, Unit L, Arnison Retail Centre, Pity Me, Durham, DH1 5GB

Refurbishment and reconfiguration of the restaurant drive thru lane and patio area to include extensions totalling 24.8sqm, incorporating associated works to the site. Alterations to elevations which include the installation of an additional booth to accommodate the new fast forward lane. Existing booths to be replaced with new. Relocated fascia signage.


The Planning Officer, Jennifer Jennings gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, copies of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. 

The application was for refurbishment and reconfiguration of the restaurant drive thru lane and patio area to include extensions totalling 24.8sqm, incorporating associated works to the site and was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


The Planning Officer noted that the application included a 24.8sqm extension, an additional booth on the drive thru, replacement booths and reconfiguration of the patio area and parking for drive thru order waiting.  It was added that advert consent as regards relocation of adverts on fascia had been agreed under delegated powers.  Members noted aerial photographs showing the site in the context of the Arnison Centre with Rotary Way forming a boundary between the Arnison Centre and the greenbelt.


The Planning Officer noted that if Members were minded to approve the application, an additional plan would be requested to be added within Condition 2, as well as removal of Condition 3 as the applicant had already submitted details regarding proposed installation of new target bins on the site. The Planning Officer made reference to regular “trash walks” undertaken by the applicant around the immediate vicinity and beyond the site along Rotary Way.


The Committee noted that there had been no objections from the statutory or internal consultees on the application, subject to conditions. 


It was added the application was at Committee at the request of a Local Member, Councillor M Wilkes with his comments set out within the report, which included noting that litter from the restaurant was along many of the highways in the area and that if the Council was required to pick this litter then the applicant should pay for the litter collection and contribute towards educating people as regards litter.


The Planning Officer noted no objections to the application in principle, and noted that any proposed condition in terms of a regular litter pick would not meet the 6 tests for planning conditions as set out in the NPPF.


The Chairman noted Councillor A Hopgood, a Local Member was in attendance and asked if she wished to speak.


Councillor A Hopgood noted that she appreciated what the Council could and could not do, however, added that many Members experienced issues in terms of litter and perhaps it would be better to target locations where people would finish eating their takeaway meals, rather than litter pick at the point of purchase and cited several areas where litter had been noted.  Councillor A Hopgood accepted that it would be difficult to condition in terms of litter picking, however, suggested that educational road signs, resourced by the applicant, could help educate people on the issues of litter.


The Chairman thanked Councillor A Hopgood and asked Mr G Pyle from McDonalds to comment on the points raised.



Mr G Pyle noted that McDonalds operated a “Love where you live” campaign and the Business Manager had been in touch with local schools as regards providing education.


The Solicitor - Planning and Development advised that any proposed condition requiring the applicant to provide educational road signs would have similar difficulties in terms of meeting the legal tests as the suggestion to require money to be paid for litter collection.  It was added that the applicant may wish to volunteer to provide signage, however, this would be for the applicant to decide upon.  Mr G Pyle offered for the applicant to undertake litter pick up well beyond the McDonalds site along Potters Lane for example.


Councillor A Bell noted that the application site bordered with his Electoral Division and noted issues of litter along the route to Lumley and along to Finchale also.


Councillor A Hopgood noted that she felt that targeting young people in schools was an easy option, and rather than speaking to young people, signage targeting drivers who littered might be more effective.


Councillor C Kay moved that the application be approved; he was seconded by Councillor J Lethbridge.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions detailed in the Officer’s report to the Committee.


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