Agenda item

Annual Report 2015-16 - Report of Police, Crime and Victims' Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Chief of Staff which contained the Durham Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner’s Annual Report 2015-16 (for copy see file of Minutes).


Mr R Hogg, Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner, in presenting his Annual Report highlighted the following areas to the Panel:

·       The year in numbers – key achievements in 2015-16

·       Delivering the Objectives of the Police and Crime Plan 2015-16

·       Objective 1 – Inspiring Confidence

·       Objective 2 – Supporting victims

·       Objective 3 – Keeping all our communities safe

·       Objective 4 – Delivering an effective and efficient policing service

·       Looking ahead to 2016-17


Councillor Armstrong informed the Panel he considered the Annual Report to be a comprehensive, detailed document which highlighted a lot of local initiatives within County Durham and Darlington.


Mr Cook referred to the Violence Against Women and Girls strategy and asked whether there was any issue of Sharia Courts operating within the force area.  The PCVC replied that this was not a headline issue within County Durham and Darlington.


Councillor Boyes informed the Panel that he was pleased the PCVC continued to support Neighbourhood Policing, which was the ‘eyes and ears’ of the community and increasingly important when addressing issues of extremism.  He noted that the number of people who considered the police were doing a good job had fallen by 1% and the percentage of those who had confidence in the police was static and asked whether a tipping point had now been reached for these figures.


The PCVC replied that national figures did not reflect this and it was a figure that he was always keen to improve.


Councillor Armstrong informed the Panel he considered the Annual Report a full and comprehensive document and found the glossary to be of real value.


Councillor Allen referred to the road traffic fatalities figure on page 12 of the agenda pack and suggested that these be shown as percentages as well as in figures.


Mr Dodwell referred to rural policing and a problem in Darlington around the availability of vehicles for rural policing.  The PCVC replied that he had been reassured that the number of vehicles available per officer/PCSO in the Darlington area was higher than average within the force but added that the provision of a dedicated rural vehicle was being considered.



That the Annual Report be noted.

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