Agenda item

Draft Police, Crime and Victims Plan 2016-2021 - Report of Police, Crime and Victims' Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner which provided details of the draft Police, Crime and Victims’ Plan 2016-2021 prior to it being launched for consultation (for copy see file of Minutes).


The PCVC informed the Panel that consultation on the draft Plan would commence on 22 July 2016 and that formal comment on the draft Plan would be sought from the Panel in October 2016.


Councillor Hopgood referred to 90% of victims being satisfied with their whole experience and asked how long it took to make contact with the police.  The PCVC replied that the ease of contact was high and the crucial element was the negotiation which took place between the call handler and the caller to explain the expected response time.  The concern the PCVC had was the follow up work which then took place.


The PCVC added that if any Member had feedback from individuals about police contact or response this should be fed back to his office so that he could investigate this.


Councillor Allen informed the Panel that the draft Plan was easy to follow but suggested that the diversity of pictures used in it could be improved.  The Policy and Delivery Officer replied that this was currently being addressed.



That the draft Police, Crime and Victims Plan, which would be submitted to the Panel for formal comment in October 2016, be noted.

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