Agenda item

Police and Crime Panel Work Programme 2016/17 - Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Durham County Council


The Panel considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which sought agreement to the Panel’s Work Programme for 2016/17 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred to Appendix 2 of the report and informed the Panel that, due to the volume of business proposed for the October 2016 Panel meeting, the Checkpoint item would be deferred to the January 2017 meeting.


Councillor Allen informed suggested that a Development Day be arranged for the Panel in October 2016 similar to that organised last year.  A suggested theme would be changes to criminal justice and the Development Day could also include interesting historical facts about Durham Constabulary.  Councillor Allen also suggested that one Panel meeting should be held in Darlington.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer agreed to arrange the suggested Development Day.



i)                 That the Work Programme for 2016/17 be approved.

ii)               That a Development Day for the panel be arranged for October 2016

iii)              That a future Panel meeting be held in Darlington.

Supporting documents: