Agenda item

DM/16/01879/FPA - Ox Close Nursery School, Ox Close Crescent, Spennymoor

Nursery extension (2no. classrooms with associated hard landscaping)


Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of a single storey flat roof extension of Ox Close Nursery School, Ox Close Crescent, Spennymoor (for copy see file of minutes).


The Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included plans and photographs of the site.


Councillor K Thompson, Local Member, addressed the Committee having requested the application be brought to Committee.  The attached Primary School had recently been granted permission for the erection of two additional classrooms and additional nursery places would exacerbate the existing highway problems.


Councillor Thompson referred to the Sedgefield Local Plan as outdated and referenced National Policy, confirming that part 4 of the NPPF (Promoting Sustainable Transport) had only partially been referenced in the report.  There had been no photographs taken of the area at peak times to show the considerable number of vehicles that park on the highway during school pick up and drop off times.  During these times Ox Close Crescent was not a safe environment for cyclists or pedestrians.  The report referenced Section 32 of the NPPF which stated that development should only be refused on transport grounds if the residual cumulative impacts of development were severe.  Although the report stated that it would be difficult to demonstrate, the cumulative impact was severe in this case.  Section 35 advised that developments should be designed to create safe and secure layouts which minimised conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians and home zones should be established where appropriate.  This his had not been considered as part of this application and Councillor Thompson suggested that a condition to create a home zone and restrict parking around the school at peak times would alleviate the problems.


He referred to his role as a Parish Town Councillor and although he was not representing the Town Council with regards to this application, he could confirm the Town Council were willing to consult with the County Council in order to alleviate the problems regarding Ox Close Nursery and Primary Schools.


The Applicants agent addressed the Committee and confirmed that the application would allow the nursery to benefit from an additional 16 spaces and following the report being published he had visited the site and a fourth car parking space would be provided on the site.


The Principal DM Engineer confirmed that he was aware of the highways issues on Ox Close Crescent during school pick up and drop off times due to an increase in vehicles as the School had expanded over the years.  He referred to the additional parking space which had been pledged by the applicant, however it could not be supported by the Highways Authority as three was the maximum permitted with regards to this application.


In response to a question from Councillor Patterson, the Applicants agent confirmed that the additional nursery places would be staggered over 2 sessions and therefore there would be an additional 8 spaces on a morning and 8 on an afternoon.


On considering that the 16 additional places would be staggered, Councillor Davidson suggested that this would not have any significant impact on the highway.  The Committee were unable to refuse the application based on existing highways issues alone and he therefore moved the recommendation.


In addition, Councillor Richardson highlighted the size of the parking spaces – they were wider than a standard parking bay and a disabled parking space was being catered for.  Councillor Boyes agreed was sympathetic towards the existing congestion described by Councillor Thompson, however he agreed that three additional parking spaces were adequate and the situation would not be made worse by the proposal.  Councillor Boyes seconded the recommendation and it was.




That the application be approved on the grounds as outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: