Agenda item

External Audit - Progress Report July 2016


The Committee considered a report of the External Auditor which presented progress on the external audit of Durham County Council to date (for copy see file of minutes).


J Collins, Mazars advised that there had been 1 internal control recommendation made relating to, IT General Controls and signing off the final “go live” approval. It was noted that this recommendation had now been actioned. Overall, the audit had concluded that reliance could be placed on IT General Controls and was not considered of sufficient significance to have an impact on the financial accounts.


Mr C Robinson, Co-opted Member asked whether the system identified was data or financial. In response J Collins advised that they were mainly related to financial systems and the final stage showing lack of evidence at final approval. The Interim Corporate Director further clarified that the recommendation related to the end point of project closure and it had been found to be a general weakness across IT systems. This had been taken on board and was to built in to future system upgrades.




That the content of the report be noted.

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