Report of the Bereavement Services Manager.
The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager which provided the Joint Committee with an update in relation to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).
The Bereavement Services Manager advised that during the period 1 June– 31 August 2016 there were 342 cremations undertaken and increase of 45 on the comparable period last year. He further reported that the number of plaques during the period was 12 (£3,816) which was an increase of 1, however resulted in a decrease of income of £475.
Moving on to operational matters, it was reported that the Business Admin Apprentice position had now been filled following interviews held on 23 September and the successful candidate was awaiting a formal start date from HR.
The Bereavement Services Manager further reported that the Crematorium had been successful in retaining the Green Flag Award for the fifth year running and was testimony to the dedication of the staff. This award was in addition to the Gold Star Status awarded by the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management.
It was also reported that the national recycling of metals scheme had produced a surplus of £350,000 from the 2015/16 collection. It was noted that Macmillan Cancer Support had been nominated for the next distribution of funds.
Members were reminded that Mountsett Crematorium marked its 50th anniversary on Saturday 23 July 2016 and a Memorial Service was attended by approximately 50 guests. A booklet was also produced covering the 50 years and was circulated to those who attended on the day. Copies were also made available to Members of the Joint Committee.
The Bereavement Services Manager reported that further to discussion regarding the installation of a curtain to cover the cross in the Chapel, discussions with the manufacturer had determined that a curtain would be difficult to maintain and instead had suggested that an electronic roller blind be installed. Works were expected to be completed during October 2016.
Members further noted progress in respect of the replacement of cremators and installation of mercury abatement equipment. It was reported that the extension project could commence on site as early as January 2017. The Bereavement Services Manager went on to provide a brief update on the Service Asset Management Plan and planned crematorium improvement works.
Councillor Green added that she was disappointed to learn that the 50th Anniversary event had been so poorly attended by public and attributed this to the late timing and lack of advertising. Councillor Temple added that unfortunately the council’s corporate communications policy on promotion of such events was restricted and this was something that the committee would continue to challenge.
Councillor Batey commented that she would like to congratulate the team at Mountsett for achieving the Green Flag Award for the fifth consecutive year.
The Bereavement Services Manager reported that members may be aware, that a petition was currently running on regarding notices which were displayed at Mountsett Crematorium, prohibiting the placement of personal items, flowers and memorial items. It was noted that to date 1850 signatures had been received; however the lead petitioner had not been in touch with the crematorium to discuss their concerns.
Lengthy discussion and debate took place regarding the policy which was operated by Mountsett Crematorium. Councillor Dodds commented that by allowing the placement of such items, had the potential to impinge upon other people’s form of grieving and in addition detracted from the beautiful setting of Mountsett. He commented that although he had deep sympathy for those concerned the decision was tempered by the impact this could potentially have on others.
Councillor Batey further commented that because crematorium grounds had no demarcation they could not apply the same rules regarding memorabilia as a graveyard and agreed that although she did have sympathy for those affected, the joint committee had to be sensitive to all users. She further asked what information was issued to relatives regarding the regulations of the crematorium and whether these details could be better communicated. The Bereavement Services Manager advised that advised that a form was given to relatives which allowed them to identify what information they wanted to be provided with. Councillor Dodds commented that in his opinion this was a matter which should be dealt with by Funeral Directors and with such suggested that processes could be reviewed.
In summary the Chairman advised that the general consensus was that the Joint Committee endorse the current policy and position on memorabilia. However, the Joint Committee would review how information was communicated to the bereaved in future. It was further agreed that a response to the lead petitioner be prepared and forwarded in line with the lead authorities’ petition scheme.
(i) That the current performance of the crematorium be noted.
(ii) That the current situation with regards to the Business Admin Apprentice be noted.
(iii) That the continued success with regards to the Green Flag Award be noted
(iv) That the current round of money available under the recycling of metals scheme be noted.
(v) That the success of the 50th year anniversary event be noted.
(vi) That progress in regard to iconography within the Chapel be noted.
(vii) That the current position with regard to cremator replacement be noted.
(viii) That the content of the Service Asset Management Plan be noted and agreed.
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