Agenda item

Annual Report of the Standards Committee 2015/2016


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which informed Members of the work of the Standards Committee during 2015/16 and set out the future direction which the Committee intended to take during 2016/17 (for copy see file of Minutes). Members were advised that the report would be presented to the County Council on 21 September 2016.


The Governance Solicitor reported that there had been an increase in the number of complaints in 2015/2016 compared to the previous year which was partly due to the Code of Conduct being misused by Councillors as a weapon against an individual with whom there was a political or personal difference of opinion.


Councillor Holland referred to the use of social media by Councillors and considered that it should be used with caution to avoid potential complaints of alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct. The Governance Solicitor advised that the use of social media was addressed in Code of Conduct training.


With regard to training and development in the year, refresher training had been hosted by Durham County Council for all Parish and Town Councils in November 2015 with a refresher session for Ferryhill Town Council in January 2016. Sessions were to be held for Horden, Etherley and Chilton Parish Councils in the near future.


For information the Committee was informed that the term of office of the independent persons was due to end on 18 September 2016, and because of the experience they had gained, and for continuity, a report was to be presented to the County Council on 21 September 2016 recommending their re-appointment for a further four year term.




That the report be noted and presented to County Council on 21 September 2016.

















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