Questions had been received from Bishop Auckland and Shildon Area Action Partnership and Spennymoor Area Action Partnership relating to the following:
· What the County Council was doing to support young carers in County Durham and whether this could be affected by ongoing budgetary savings.
· How the AAP could complement the overall strategic vision of the County Council in battling mental health issues at a local level.
Andrew Walker, Bishop Auckland and Shildon AAP Co-ordinator and Michael Wilkes, Spennymoor AAP Co-ordinator were in attendance to ask their questions.
Councillor T Smith, Cabinet Support Member for Children and Young People’s Services and Councillor L Hovvels, Portfolio Holder for Adult and Health Services thanked the AAPs for their questions and provided responses.
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services informed the Council that the questions, together with the responses, would be placed on the Council’s website and a copy of the responses would be sent to the Area Action Partnerhsips.
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