Agenda item

DM/16/00152/OUT - Easington Village Workingmens Club, Seaside Lane, Easington Village

Approx. 43 Dwellings (outline) all matters reserved.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application for approximately 43 dwellings with all matters reserved at the former Easington Workingmen’s Club, Seaside Lane, Easington Village (for copy see file of minutes).


Barry Gavillet, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site, location plan and indicative layout.  The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that an additional condition was proposed that a scheme showing the mini roundabout at the access point to the development be submitted and agreed prior any dwelling being occupied.


Councillor Laing moved approval of the application.  She informed the Committee she was delighted that the scheme was going forward on what was currently a derelict site.


Councillor Clark agreed with the comments of Councillor Laing and seconded approval of the application.


Councillor Bleasdale agreed with the comments made.  Councillor Lethbridge also agreed but asked whether any density details for the development were known.


The Senior Planning Officer replied that because all matters were reserved for future determination, the layout density was to be resolved at a future date.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions contained in the report with an additional condition that a scheme showing the mini roundabout at the access point to the development be submitted and agreed prior any dwelling being occupied, and entering into of a Section 106 legal agreement to secure the provision of:

·       10% affordable housing on site

·       A contribution of £24,225 towards the provision and upgrading of footpaths at the former Easington Colliery site

·       A contribution of £500 per dwelling toward enhancement or provision of play facilities in the Easington Electoral Division.

Supporting documents: