Agenda item

4/11/00036/FPA - 1 Louisa Terrace, Witton Gilbert, Durham, DH7 6QS.

Formation of access onto classified road.


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Control Manager (Durham City Area Office) which recommended the application for approval. The Development Control Manager explained that members had visited the site that day, and gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report.


The Development Control Manager advised the committee that an objector had withdrawn his objection but had later asked for his objection to be re-instated which raised 15 points on highway safety, details of which were given at the meeting as they were not contained in the body of the report.


The Development Control Manager also sought Members approval for an additional condition to be included to remove a section of the fence to improve visibility.


Members sought clarification on whether the fence would be fully removed or graduated. The Development Control Manger confirmed that the removal of the fence would be a short length or a reduction in height. Members agreed to the extra condition.


Resolved: That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions contained in the report and the inclusion of the under-mentioned condition.


“Notwithstanding the information shown on the submitted plans, prior to the construction of the vehicular access hereby approved the closest 1 metre section of the western boundary fence to the highway must be dismantled and removed from the site.  Reason: To improve visibility in the interests of highway safety having regards to Policy T1 of the City of Durham Local Plan 2004.”


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