Agenda item

Carbon Management Plan Update


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Local Services that provided Members with an update on the Carbon Management Plan (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


Members received a presentation from the Senior Carbon Management Officer that focused on the following:-


·       Progress to Date

·       Key Projects

·       Challenges and Opportunities

·       Future Developments


Councillor Clare sought clarification on the savings which were £3m in the presentation and £750,000 in the report


The Officer responded that the £3 million figure included schools and increases with inflation and predicted energy costs increases. It also assumed an increase in consumption over time if the Council did not engage with energy management.


Mr T Batson referred to community energy schemes and commented that Tow Law had previously had its own energy plant, what was the future for small rural communities.


The Officer responded that government had changed legislation which had resulted in a lot of incentives being taken away and people are therefore reluctant to invest.


Resolved: (i)That the contents of the report be noted.


(ii) That the committee receive a further update to a future meeting.

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