Agenda item

DM/16/03379/FPA Demolition of existing building and construction of new 90 bedroom residential care home plus associated parking and landscaping

Delves Lane Community Bar, Gloucester Road, Delves Lane, Consett.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of existing building and construction of new 90 bedroom residential care home, plus associated parking and landscaping at Delves Lane Community Bar, Gloucester Road, Delves Lane, Consett (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer provided a detailed presentation of the application which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout. He further advised that the one representation received from a resident had now been withdrawn following amended plans to incorporate additional car parking spaces.


Councillor Temple commented that as a fairly local member, he welcomed the proposals and felt the development would enhance the area. In referring to condition 8 however, he commented that he did not feel that areas of species rich grassland were appropriate for the urban area and felt that residents would rather enjoy views of maintained planting and formal shrub beds. He therefore queried whether this part of the condition could be removed. In response the Senior Planning Officer advised that this was a recommendation of the County Ecologist whose specific intention was for biodiversity gain. He further commented that the county had adopted a natural approach to planting schemes across the county in recent years which had been very well received by the public.


After discussing this point Members agreed that condition 8 should remain unchanged.


Councillor Temple therefore MOVED that the application be approved subject to the conditions as listed within the report.


Councillor Brookes added that he was very happy with the design and location however queried on what basis determination of 90 beds had been made and whether Health & Social Care, had been consulted to ensure that there was demand for a home of this size. In response the Senior Planning Officer advised that this was not a planning consideration and as the development was a commercial scheme the applicant will have made determination regarding its viability as a business.


Councillor Cordon added that he supported the comments of Members and with such SECONDED the proposal.


Councillor B Armstrong asked whether the applicant’s agent could advise how many jobs would be created. In response G Hodgson, Applicant’s Agent advised that a mixture of 105 part and full time posts would be created. Councillor Armstrong added that this was brilliant news for the Consett area and added her full support for the application.


Following a vote being taken it was:-




That the application be approved subject to the conditions as listed within the report.


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