Agenda item

Homelessness - Update

(i)            Joint Report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships and the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services.

(ii)          Presentation by the Housing Manager, Regeneration and Local Services.


The Chairman introduced the Housing Manager, Housing Solutions, Marie Smith who was in attendance to give an update on Homelessness(for copy see file of minutes).


The Housing Manager explained that the Housing Solutions service operated a Housing Advice Line (HAL), a first point of contact offering advice and access to specialist teams covering: Private Sector Housing; Homeless Advice; Home Improvement Agency; Gypsy Roma Travellers; Durham Key Options (DKO); Regeneration and Warmer Homes; and Family Intervention support. 


It was explained that headline figures showed, from 2013/14 through to 2015/16, a steady increase in the overall contacts received by the Housing Solutions Team; a steady decrease in the number of homeless application and a decrease in the number of homeless acceptances.  The Housing Manager reminded Members of the statutory duty in terms of homeless presentations and the work undertaken to provide early interventions to help people before they become homeless.  The Committee noted that the main reasons for a tenancy breakdown were: a tenancy simply coming to an end and relationship breakdowns.  It was added that the number of rough sleepers in Durham was low, however there would be a number of “sofa-surfers” and these people were harder to quantify and did not often present as “homeless”.  The Housing Manager added that the ages tended to be younger people; with acceptances often from lone parents and that geographically there was greater numbers in the North and East of the County.  Members learned of the “Remain Safe” project and advice available in terms of finance and Welfare Reform.  As would be mentioned in the next agenda item, there were well established links between housing and wellbeing, with the formation of the Housing Support Group.  It was noted there was a need to understand the impact of upcoming legislation and the changes in terms of housing need.  It was added that there would be a Supported Accommodation review and that direct access made available in terms of emergency accommodation.


The Housing Manager concluded by noting that challenges in the near future would include: the impact of the Homeless Reduction Bill, with initial estimates in the region of around a 60% increase in the duty for the DCC service; the Benefit Cap; a reduction in Housing Benefit payments; bids for funding pots, noting that successful bids were very specific rather than board in scope; and monitoring and understanding housing need.


The Chairman thanked the Officer for her presentation and asked Members for their questions.


Councillor J Clare noted that the work in terms of the benefit cap was very joined up and very good and cited an example of a local resident who had contacted him and had a response from the DCC Team immediately.  Councillor J Clare added that the response provided had been excellent. 


In relation to rough sleepers, Councillor J Clare had tried to find a contact number in terms of reporting this and had been directed to speak to a number of charities rather than a DCC service, was this correct and if not who should he contact.  The Housing Manager noted that while DCC worked with Streetlink, Members, or the public, could still contact the service via the Housing Action Line, and speak to someone 24 hours a day. 


Councillor A Patterson noted the estimate in terms of potential additional work for the Housing Solutions Services, 60% and asked if this would be something that would be raised in terms of costs when the Bill was being considered by Parliament.  The Housing Manager noted that the implication of a 60% increase in workload was being looked at by Officers.




(i)    That the report be noted.

(ii)   That the Committee, as part of the refresh of the Work Programme for 2017/18, receives further updates on homelessness in County Durham.


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