Agenda item

DM/16/03590/OUT - Land East of North Bitchburn Terrace, North Bitchburn Bank, North Bitchburn

Outline residential development all matters reserved for 14 dwellings


Consideration was given to the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline residential development and all matters reserved for 14 dwellings at Land East of North Bitchburn Terrace, North Bitchburn Bank, North Bitchburn.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included plans and photographs of the site.


Councillor Patterson spoke on behalf of local residents and confirmed that although only one objection had been received, a number of local residents had contacted her as local Member, in objection to the proposal.


Councillor Patterson confirmed that North Bitchburn was a small village, which was lacking in amenites and had no primary school.  A former cricket ground was no longer in use and there was one pub which had closed and reopened under new management, numerous times.  The nearest primary school in Howden-le-Wear was already over-subscribed and therefore children would be diverted to Crook Primary which had no direct bus route.  In addition, Councillor Patterson confirmed that the site was not within the boundary of North Bitchburn, but situated in open Countryside.  In summary, the location of the site was isolated and unsustainable and she supported the Senior Planning Officer’s recommendation to refuse the application. 


Councillor Davidson moved the recommendation to refuse as he considered the reasons as outlined in the report sufficiently robust.


Councillor Clare referred to the response from the Highways Authority which was in the interest of public safety and could not be disregarded.  He considered that if the required visibility splays could not be achieved this would pose a danger for motorists including those new to the area as they would not expect vehicles to be emerging from this point on this particular stretch of road.


In response to a question from Councillor Clare about a substandard section of footpath the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that although this had been referenced by the Highways Authority as being unsuitable, it was of relatively short length and although not ideal would not constitute a reason for refusal.  Councillor Clare seconded the recommendation to refuse.




That the application be refused as per the recommendations outlined in the report.

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