Agenda item

Financial Monitoring Report - Position at 31/12/16, with Projected Revenue and Capital Outturn at 31/03/17

Joint Report the Corporate Director: Regeneration and Local Services and the Corporate Director: Resources / Treasurer to the Joint Committee.


The Principal Accountant, Ed Thompson referred Members to Financial Monitoring Report, as set out in the usual format, for the period to 31 December 2016 and with projected outturn to 31 March 2017 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Joint Committee noted that revenue expenditure was broadly in line with the budget, and it was noted that surplus of £831,677 was projected and the significant variances were set out within the report, noting the saving in terms of the revised business rates and the increased level of income.  It was added that the Capital Programme was projected to underspend, due mainly to the relining of one cremator being carried forward into 2017/18.


The Principal Accountant explained that the projected total reserve of approximately £1,361,122 at the year-end, gave a strong financial position.




That the April to December 2016 Revenue Spend Financial Monitoring Report and associated Provision Outturn position at 31 March 2017, including the projected year end position with regards to the reserves and balances of the Joint Committee be noted.


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