Agenda item

B6277 Speed Limit Review


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services advising of objections received to proposed speed limits on the B6277 road in Middleton in Teesdale and on the B6277, C162 and C163 roads at Cotherstone.


The report summarised the background to the proposal, which was the result of a review of speed limits on the full length of the B6277, undertaken in accordance with best practice guidance produced by the Department for Transport.


It was noted that research and experience gained at other locations within the County had shown that the imposition of speed limits which were appropriate to the environment through which the motorist was travelling resulted in improved driver compliance.  Hence it was proposed to make a Traffic Regulation Order to regulate speed limits on the B6277 and adjoining roads between Startforth and Langdon Beck.

The order would formalise the existing speed limits in the majority of cases, with the exception of (a) C162 Briscoe Lane, Cotherstone and (b) C163 Clint Lane, ‘Lancelands’, Cotherstone.  In relation to (a) it was proposed that the 30mph speed limit on Briscoe Lane be relocated 50 metres in a westerly direction so that it is in line with the western most street light.  In relation to (b) it was also proposed that a de-restriction order be raised to cover the street lit section to the south west of the 30mph zone on the C163 Clint Lane.


The proposals were agreed with Durham Constabulary and neither of the local members objected. Following a consultation exercise, however, a number of objections/representations were received, four of which remained after an amendment had been made to the initial proposal.


These objections/representations were detailed in the report and the Committee was also made aware of an email which had been received from the Chair of Middleton in Teesdale and Newbiggin Parish Council emphasising a request to extend the 30mph speed limit further out of the village on the northbound approach. The meeting was also addressed by Mr I Moorhouse, Chair of Cotherstone Parish Council, with regard to the Council’s request to extend the 30mph speed limit at two locations. With regard to the first of these (B6277 south of Fitzhugh Court), Mr Moorhouse referred to the location of a sheltered housing development of 9 bungalows (The Close). There were no garages provided and so a number of cars were parked on the roadside and, whilst the development was within the 30mph speed limit, residents were anxious to have the speed limit extended as far as the existing village nameplate. He provided a letter from residents of The Close confirming this. With regard to the second location (C162 Briscoe Lane), Mr Moorhouse asked for the 30mph speed limit to be extended further west than was proposed. The final objection related to the C165 Clint Lane in the vicinity of ‘Lancelands’, Cotherstone where a resident had requested that the 30mph speed limit be extended southwest to a location beyond ‘Pinners Cottage’.


In responding to the points made by Mr Moorhouse, and to the other objections/representations, the Strategic Highways Manager emphasised that the proposals were the most appropriate to the circumstances and noted that driver compliance with speed limits was improved when those limits were credible and appropriate to the environment. Members were then given an opportunity to comment on and ask questions about the proposals. The Legal Adviser suggested that each of the four elements of the proposals which had been objected to should be dealt with separately and that, if members were minded to agree to speed limits being extended further than had been proposed by officers, the original proposal should be agreed with the proviso that officers be asked to consult on a further extension.   



(a)   That the Committee endorses the proposal to set aside the objections in respect of the northbound approach (B6277) to Middleton in Teesdale and the ‘Lancelands’ (C165 Clint Lane) approach to Cotherstone.


(b)   That the Traffic Regulation Order to regulate speed limits on the B6277 and   adjoining roads between Startforth and Langdon Beck be implemented subject to further consideration being given to the extension of the speed limits on the B6277 road south of Fitzhugh Court and on the C162 road (Briscoe Lane) west of ‘Balder Croft’, in accordance with the representations made by Cotherstone Parish Council and as detailed in the report.



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