Agenda item

DM/16/02030/FPA - Lloyd Ltd, St Helen Way, St Helen Auckland, Bishop Auckland

Proposed warehouse, office and showroom extension with associated external works and change of use of land to vehicle storage


Councillor Boyes left the meeting at this point.


Consideration was given to the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for a proposed warehouse, office and showroom extension with associated external works and change of use of land to vehicle storage at Lloyd Ltd, St Helen Way, St Helen Auckland, Bishop Auckland.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation that included plans and photographs of the site.


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee further comments from Northumbrian Water Ltd were expected regarding drainage at the site and should the application be approved it would be subject to a further condition regarding a Drainage Strategy.


Councillor Wilson, Local Member, confirmed that the scheme would bring jobs to the local area and as concerns regarding external lighting had been addressed, she supported the scheme and moved the recommendation to approve.


Councillor Davidson seconded the recommendation.




That the recommendations as outlined in the report be approved subject to the addition of the following condition:


10. Prior to the commencement of development a Drainage Strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning. Thereafter the development shall take place in accordance with the approved details.


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