Agenda item

Application 7/2011/0040/DM - The Old Coal Depot, Westerton

Change of use of former coal stocking depot to storage of caravans, containers and B8 storage and distribution uses (Retrospective)


Change of use of former coal stocking depot to storage of caravans, containers and B8 storage and distribution uses at The Old Coal Depot, Westerton

The Development Control Manager (Spennymoor) presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. It was noted that a site visit had taken place earlier that day.


The Committee was addressed by Mr McGill, on behalf of the applicant. He expressed disappointment that a number of additional documents submitted with the application were not mentioned in the officer’s report. He believed that the site was not ‘rural’ as such – it was ‘peri-urban’, being close to a housing estate, petrol station, allotments etc. It provided a more substantial site than those available in an urban area and was close to the applicant’s customer base. Having been a colliery and then a coal depot in the past, it had been in use as a storage facility for six years. During a short period when the site had not been in use it had become very untidy and if planning permission was refused then it could become an eyesore. Mr McGill pointed out that most of the site was well-screened by tree belts and that further fencing, landscaping and mounding were proposed; there were no objections from local residents and 44 letters of support had been received from the applicant’s existing customers. He noted that an analysis of alternative sites had been undertaken but no suitable site had been identified. He acknowledged that the site might not entirely comply with current planning policy but it was the base for a thriving business. The applicant confirmed that 50 people worked on the site and storage facilities were being provided for some 500 customers. He also confirmed that some unauthorised roadside signage had been taken down and would not be reinstated.


 Local members Councillors B Ord and K Thompson then addressed the Committee, expressing support for the application on the grounds that this was in effect an industrial site, that it was well maintained and provided employment for up to 50 people. As local members they had not received any adverse comments about the site; if planning permission was refused then some caravans could end up parked inappropriately in residential areas and a significant number of jobs would be put at risk.


In response the Development Control Manager referred to the Planning Inspector’s decision to dismiss the appeal in 2010; he suggested that details of proposed landscaping and other mitigation measures should have been submitted at an earlier stage. He also suggested that, if the site was developed further it could become increasingly unsightly.


Members then had an opportunity to comment and ask questions; it was generally agreed that the site could be considered a brownfield site, that it was currently well run and provided considerable employment opportunities. Members also agreed that some screening would be required, particularly when viewed from the south.


With regard to the additional businesses currently operating at the site, the Legal Adviser confirmed that they would not have the benefit of planning permission even if the current application was approved; consideration would need to be given as to the appropriateness of taking enforcement action in respect of such unauthorised use of the site.


On the grounds that the site is previously developed land and offers numerous employment opportunities, thus benefiting the local economy, Councillor Boyes moved that the application be approved subject to conditions; he was seconded by Councillor Richardson.



That the application be approved subject to conditions to be agreed by the Development Control Manager in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair of the Committee.


Supporting documents: