Agenda item

Application 3/2010/0548 - Land at Park Road, Witton Park

Outline application for 31 dwellings (including 9 affordable bungalows), A1 retail unit, parking and associated access


Outline application for 31 dwellings (including 9 affordable bungalows), A1 retail unit, parking and associated access on land at Park Road, Witton Park


The Development Control Manager (Crook & Barnard Castle) presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Jacques (applicant); he emphasised the provision of the affordable housing element of the proposed development and claimed that all the houses would be considerably cheaper than those on other developments recently granted planning permission in Witton Park. He believed that the community of Witton Park wanted and needed this development and referred to a list of 71 people who had expressed support for the proposal. He also mentioned the forthcoming Localism Bill which would potentially give communities the ability to approve some developments independently of the formal planning system. He believed that Witton Park would be a sustainable location for this development and felt that development limits contained in the local plan should have been reviewed before now. He was prepared to comply with any conditions imposed and to change the road layout.


In response the Development Control Manager noted that this was an outline application and that details would be agreed at a later date if planning permission was granted; she also noted that ‘affordable housing’ had a specific definition in planning terms.


The Highways Officer confirmed that a satisfactory solution could be found in respect of the internal road geometry and residential parking arrangements.


Councillor Turner indicated that both he and the other local member, Councillor Yorke, supported the application and welcomed the affordable housing element and the shop in particular.


The Legal Adviser noted that a Section 106 Agreement would be required in respect of the type of housing to be provided and that the affordable housing element would need to meet standards set by a social landlord.


Councillor Campbell proposed that the application be refused; he was seconded by Councillor Wilkinson. On the vote being taken, however, this motion was lost.


On the basis that the proposed development would not prejudice the aim of achieving sustainable patterns of development in the local area, in accordance with policies GD1, H3 and ENV1 of the Wear Valley District Local Plan, as amended by Saved and Expired Policies September 2007; RSS policy 4 and national planning guidance in PPS1, PPS3, PPS4, PPS7 and PPG13, Councillor Turner moved that the application be approved subject to conditions and to the prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement; he was seconded by Councillor Paylor.



That outline planning permission be granted subject to the prior completion of an acceptable Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in respect of the payment of a commuted sum for the provision of off-site recreation and play facilities and the provision of affordable housing and subject also to conditions to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair of the Committee.


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