Agenda item

Application 6/2011/0038/DM - Brookside Hall, Evenwood

Application for renewal of extant planning permission 6/2008/0086/DM for erection of detached dwelling


Application for renewal of extant planning permission 6/2008/0086/DM for erection of detached dwelling at Brookside Hall, Evenwood


The Development Control Manager (Crook & Barnard Castle) presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.She emphasised that  objections had been considered at the time that the original application was approved and that matters should not be revisited where there was no significant change in circumstances.


The Committee was addressed by Mrs Stout (objector), who suggested that there had been a change in circumstances since permission was granted in 2008 – the development of an additional property on land adjacent to the application site had resulted in problems with the sewer system. She was concerned that these would only be exacerbated if a further dwelling was built. She was also concerned that prospective purchasers of the plot were not being advised that service providers would need to be involved in the re-routing of utilities; she suggested that members might wish to undertake a site visit.


The Development Control Manager confirmed that a condition relating to foul and service water drainage would be included if the application was approved and that an informative could be added with regard to the re-routing of services.


Councillor Richardson recalled the original application and was of the opinion that the site could not comfortably accommodate a dwelling; he also suggested that the development of the additional property had caused problems and moved that the application be refused but this was not seconded.



That consideration of the application be deferred pending a site visit.


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