Agenda item

Appeal Update.


Appeal Decisions


The Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area Office) gave details in relation to the following appeals, which had been considered by the Planning Inspectorate.


(i)         Appeal by Mrs P Emmanuel

Site at Poultry Farm, off Dene Road, Dalton-le-Dale, Seaham, SR7 8QW

Planning Reference PL/5/2010/0408


An appeal was lodged against the Council’s refusal of the variation of a previous approval for the retention and use of a static caravan at the above site for security purposes.


The appeal was dismissed and the Council’s decision upheld.


The Inspectorate noted that the security situation was not sufficiently severe that the retention of a large caravan was essential to ensure a reasonable level of protection. It was concluded that the retention of the caravan would have a materially harmful effect on the open character and appearance of the countryside and would be contrary to both Local and National Planning Policy.


The matter was currently being discussed with the applicant in relation to enforcement action.


(ii)        Appeal by Mr D Middlemiss

Site at Seaton Nurseries, Seaton Lane, Seaham, Co. Durham, SR7 0LT

Planning Reference- PL/5/2010/0306


An appeal was lodged against the Council’s refusal of Outline planning permission for residential dwellings with all matters reserved at the above site.


The appeal was dismissed and the Council’s decision was upheld.


The Inspectorate upheld the decision as it was considered that the proposal would result in residential development outside the established settlement boundaries as identified in the District of Easington Local Plan and would have limited access to community facilities, shops and public transport.  It was concluded that the harm that would be caused to the principles of sustainable development and to the character and appearance of the countryside were of over-riding concern and led to the conclusion that the development was unacceptable.


(iii)       Appeal by Cornwall Light and Power

Site at South Sharpley Farm, Seaton, Seaham, SR7 0NJ

Planning Reference- PLAN/2008/0355


An appeal was lodged against the Council’s refusal of planning permission for the erection of three wind turbines and associated infrastructure.


The appeal was allowed and conditional approval was granted for the works.


The Inspectorate noted that there was strong support from National policy for renewable energy development where environmental, economic and social impacts can be addressed satisfactorily. In this instance the Inspector concluded that the proposed development would not be unacceptably harmful to the landscape or be likely to be unacceptably harmful to the living conditions of nearby residents. No other considerations were raised which were sufficient to indicate that the proposal should be refused planning permission.


Resolved: That the report be noted.




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