Agenda item

DM/16/02643/OUT - Land To The North And East Of Startforth Morritt Memorial School, Startforth, Barnard Castle

Outline application for 40 dwellings with access (all other matters reserved)


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application for 40 dwellings with access (all other matters reserved) on land to the north and east of Startforth Morritt Memorial School, Startforth (for copy see file of Minutes).


T Burnham, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph and photographs of the site from various locations.  Members of the Committee had visited the site in the morning and were familiar with its location and setting.


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that if the recommendation for refusal as contained in the report was approved there would be a need to remove refusal reason 3 because ecology issues had now been addressed.


Mrs S Boaden, local resident, addressed the Committee on behalf of Startforth residents to object to the application.


In 1984 three planning applications for this site were refused on the grounds of highways safety because the roads at the site location were narrow and junction onto Church Bank was difficult with poor sight lines.  Nothing had changed since the refusal of those applications other than farm traffic which used the roads had increased in size, which made the highway safety issue more hazardous.  Footpaths along the road leading to Church Bank were either very narrow or non-existent with very poor lighting.


A further application for the development of 35 houses on the site was refused in 1990 on the grounds of landscape impact.  This application was for 40 houses and therefore the negative landscape impact would be increased.  The application site was in an area of high landscape value and the field provided a visual amenity and spectacular views.


The application site provided rural separation between the developments of Low and High Startforth and listed buildings on the north side of the site would be overlooked.


The nearby Gill Beck was prone to flooding and any increased surface water drain off from this proposed development would increase this flood risk.


Startforth had no amenities and it was a steep walk or cycle ride to the nearest amenities in Bernard Castle.  There were already plans for housing in Startforth at the Young Offenders Institute and if approved this application would increase housing in Startforth by 62%.


Councillor T Henderson, local Member, read the following statement from Councillor R Bell, local Member:


I would ask members to note the previous planning history of the site under Teesdale District Council, which refused permission in 1984 and 1990 and note that most of the legacy plans and policies from the District Council are still operative today, in the absence of the County Durham Plan.


I note the strong reservations of the highways department regarding both vehicular and pedestrian access, and note that 40 dwellings would mean car ownership of 60 to 80 and considerable traffic.


I note the Conservation Officer opinion that the development would have significant harmful effects on the character and appearance of the area, and the setting of designated heritage assets.


I regret to say that following the closure of the primary school there are no local services to support, no school, pub or shop.


I can find no planning reasons to depart from the officer’s recommendation that permission be refused.


Councillor Henderson informed the Committee that he endorsed the statement from Councillor Bell.


Mr Alex Cowing, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The County Durham Plan was currently on hold and Durham County Council was unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing land.  As such, in accordance with paragraph 49 of the NPPF the application should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development.


The site was located immediately adjacent to the south-western development limits of Barnard Castle and Startforth and as such, was sustainably located with regards to access to core services including; shops, schools and employment opportunities within Barnard Castle.


The proposed development would provide 15% affordable housing which would contribute to the delivery of objectively assessed affordable housing need within the district and would improve the housing tenure mix of the area.


An indicative layout of the site illustrated that more publicly available views to Barnard Castle and the Church of St, Mary’s would be opened up as well as creating a new view to the Bowes Museum.


An indicative layout had been submitted that illustrated how the site could respond to the important landscape features of the site, including the retention boundary trees and key views, and the separation of Startforth and High Startforth through utilising public open space and additional planting and landscaping.  The application was supported by a number of technical assessments, all of which outlined the acceptability of the site for residential development.


The proposed development would not result in any significant adverse impacts that demonstrably outweighed the benefits which arose from the scheme.


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that sustainable development was supported and the balance to be considered was whether the benefits of the development would outweigh the adverse impacts of the development.  The proposed development would have a significant harmful effect on the character and appearance of the area which was of high landscape value and framed the setting of part of the Barnard Castle Conservation Area.


Councillor Richardson informed the committee that he knew the area of the proposed development, which was a greenfield site and agricultural land.  There were strong reasons in the report for refusal of the application and Councillor Richardson moved that the application be refused.


Councillor Kay informed the Committee that applications for this site had been refused three times in 1984 and once in 1990 for the same reasons as refusal was now recommended.  This was a greenfield site and development would be taking place elsewhere in Startforth.  Councillor Kay seconded refusal of the application.


Councillor Clare informed the Committee that the issue of coalescence between Low and High Startforth was a relevant one and that this proposed development site served as a buffer between the two settlements.


Councillor Dixon informed the Committee that he agreed with the comments made by Members.  The failure to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply did not automatically result in planning permission being approved, and any development on this site would have a negative impact on the character and landscape of the area.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be refused for reasons 1, 2 and 4 contained in the report.



Councillor C Wilson left the meeting.



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