Agenda item

Education Attainment and Standards 2016 - Education Service Update


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services that provided a full summary of educational outcomes in County Durham, and related updates on the focus and provision of education services (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Head of Education gave a detailed presentation that highlighted the following (for copy see file of Minutes):-


·         Overarching message from the report – children and young people in County Durham continue to perform very well

·         Early years

o   % good level of development – significant areas of deprivation whereby some children were not ready for school i.e. still in nappies and unable to hold a knife & fork.  Level with national average.

o   Free early education places in line with national targets – challenge to persuade some families to take up places and a challenge in finding enough places.

·         Key Stage 1 – doing well against national measures reflecting well in the schools leadership and governing bodies

·         Key Stage 2 – surpassing national averages and for those most vulnerable children support through free school meals

·         Key Stage 4 – performing around the national average.

·         Key Stage 5 – no national indicators


Councillor Hart asked if the target for year 2 phonics was possible to reach as involved a small number of children with SEND.  The Head of Education said that schools were working hard to deliver training and to share good practice.  The whole cohort did include SEND children and she acknowledged that some children did not have any communication skills and therefore, some children would not reach the target.  Councillor Hart further asked if the data was meaningful to collect and was advised that it was mandatory to collect the data.  She added that realistically some children were very able but would not reach the phonics test target but they would keep a focus on it.


Referring to the move to teacher assessments the Head of Education stated that the local authority carried out a sample basis throughout the County, further to a point raised by Councillor Hart.  The Head of Education further explained that each school carry out school assessments every year and was part of the teachers performance management.  Mrs Swift added that a lot of time was taken up by moderating other schools, and that assessment was the best way as the teachers knew the children very well. 


Councillors Nicholls was pleased to see targets being reached by people pulling together and working together.


The Chairman thanked the Head of Education for a very encouraging and positive report.



That the report be noted.


The Head of Education played a DVD from the pupils of the Woodlands, the former Pupil Referral Unit, that showcased the positive work going on at the school, how pupils view learning and their education, and the fact that they should be given a second chance.


She informed the Committee that the children had chosen the new name for the school and the uniform.  She advised that the two primary schools in the County were the Willows and the Beeches.


Councillor Armstrong commented that the Willows was a fabulous school that had excellent partnership working.


Councillor Hicks said that it was a brilliant idea to change the name as would help get rid of the stigma attached to it.


The Chairman thanked the Head of Education for sharing the DVD as it showed a very positive step forward and that choosing the name of the school would help give the children a sense of ownership.


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