Report of the Bereavement Services Manager
The Bereavement Services Manager, Graham Harrison asked Members to note the performance figures from January 2018 to March 2018 and the comparison to the same period for 2017, highlighting that there was a net increase of 24 cremations. It was added that the annual total for 2017/18 was 1,396 compared with 1,439 in 2016/17, a decrease of 43 year on year.
Councillors were asked to note the figure for the total number of cremations compared to a prudent budget assumption of 1,300 cremations, representing an over-achievement in cremation fee income of £60,022. Members noted comparative figures for the previous eight financial years, noting an eight year average of 1,311 cremations.
The Bereavement Services Manager asked Members to note the number of memorials sold in comparison to the same period the previous year, a decrease of 9 memorials, £2,913 year on year.
The Joint Committee noted that the Business Administration Apprentice had handed in their resignation and noted the position had been re-advertised with a closing date of the 18 April 2018 and the advertisement had also been placed on the national Apprenticeship website. It was added there had been 15 applicants and a shortlist of 6 to go to interviews next month.
Members noted that The Phoenix Partnership had carried out the installation, maintenance and repair of the old L&P Cremators for over 30 years and it was recommended a letter of thanks be send in recognition of the valuable service they provided.
Councillors were asked to recall the 2018/19 Fees and Charges being approved at the last meeting of the Joint Committee, with an item being raised in terms of the £9.00 charge for Non-Viable Foetus (NVF), whereas children up to 16 years of age were free. It was added that this had historically been as cremations were organised via hospitals, though it was noted now this was via funeral directors. Members noted the low income generated from the NVF cremations and that it was proposed that the cost was amended to a nil cost with immediate effect.
The Bereavement Services Manager explained the necessary arrangements would be made as regards representation at the Joint Conference of the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities and the Cremation Society of Great Britain, to be held at the Hilton Newcastle/Gateshead from Monday 11 to Wednesday 13 June 2018.
The Bereavement Services Manager informed Members that the Recycling of Metals Scheme had generated a sum of £5,000 for Cruse Bereavement Care with the Chairman and Bereavement Services Manager having presented the cheque to the charity. Members noted an extra round of nominations and also were reminded that at the last Committee it was noted that the current list of charity nominations was reaching its end and Members were asked to agree the list of charities and for any additional charities they wished to be included, noting that they needed to be bereavement related.
The Joint Committee noted the replacement of cremators and mercury abatement equipment, with details set out at paragraph 19 to 22 of the report.
Councillor L Green asked if any charity nominations should be forwarded to the Bereavement Services Manager. The Bereavement Service Manager noted this was correct, or if there was any charities Members wish to nominate now they could do so. Councillor L Green noted an outreach charity connected to the Armed Forces, noting helping with funeral costs. The Chairman noted that any charity would need to link to bereavement and restrict accordingly.
The Head of Finance and Transactional Services, Paul Darby noted that the Joint Committee would normally mirror the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee in terms of fees and charges and noted the Durham Committee had met and agreed the nil charge for NVF.
The Chairman noted that he had attended the last conference with the Bereavement Services Manager, and asked if any other Members wished to attend the upcoming conference. Councillor J Shuttleworth noted he felt the Chairman should attend, with Councillor L Green adding that perhaps those attending could alternate between the constituent Local Authorities. The Chairman noted he would attend the upcoming conference, though he asked that attendance at conferences be widened out to other Councillors.
(i) That the current performance of the Crematorium be noted.
(ii) That the position in relation to the Business Administration Apprentice post be noted.
(iii) That a letter of thanks be sent to The Phoenix Partnership.
(iv) That the change in NVF cremation charge from £9 to nil be agreed.
(v) That the attendance at the Burial and Cremation Conference be noted.
(vi) That the distribution of recycling income to the respective charity and subsequent charity nominations be noted.
(vii) That the progress with regards to the cremator replacement be noted.
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