Agenda item

DM/16/03448/FPA - East Durham Garden Centre, Easington, Peterlee

Extension and refurbishment of existing garden centre and car park.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the extension and refurbishment of the existing garden centre and car park at East Durham Garden Centre, Easington (for copy see file of Minutes).


S Eldridge, Central and East Team Leader gave a detailed presentation on the application which included a site location plan, site photographs and proposed layout.  


Phillipa Stubbs, the applicant stated that BGS were a family-owned and run company that had been trading for 27 years, with 10 garden centres across the country. All members of the family took an active role in the running of the business.


The company had purchased East Durham Garden Centre in 2016 which they believed had scope to be a flagship destination garden centre. The biggest centre the company owned was in Scunthorpe with a turnover of £10m and which employed 300 staff at peak times. This application was expected to bring 200-300 jobs into the local area. She believed that their proven experience and success could make East Durham an £8m centre which would benefit the local area.


The garden centre would have a café, using local produce, and she expected visitor numbers to the area to increase which would benefit the local economy.


Councillor Tinsley welcomed the proposals which would bring diversification into the rural economy and would be an important contribution to Durham’s economy, although he was unsure that it would generate 200-300 jobs. Councillor Tinsley moved approval of the application.


Councillor Clare concurred with the views of Councillor Tinsley stating that he was delighted to see a business wishing to expand and grow which was important in economic terms. Councillor Clare seconded the motion to approve the application.


Councillor Wilkes also queried the number of jobs the applicant claimed would be created and the impact on parking capacity for visitors as a result, however he welcomed the proposals for the centre.


These views were also supported by Councillors Richardson and Bell, and Councillor Richardson remarked that whilst he had reservations about job numbers he advised that the additional jobs that would be created would be welcomed.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions contained in the report.     

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