Agenda item

4/10/839/FPA - Unit 9 (Former Allied Carpets) Durham City Retail Park, McIntyre Way, Durham, DH1 2RP.

Use of Unit 9 for A1 retail including sale of cosmetics, pharmaceutical products and ancillary chemists products including food products from 5% of net sales floorspace.


Use of Unit 9 for A1 retail including sale of cosmetics, pharmaceutical products and ancillary chemists products including food products from 5% of net sales floorspace.


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Control Manager (Durham City Area Office) which recommended the application for approval. The Development Control Manager explained that members had visited the site that day, and gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report and asked that the wording of the conditions be revised as suggested by the applicant.


Councillor Thomson the Local Ward Member indicated that he was disappointed at the public response to the application which he believed was due to most locals not been aware of the application. He referred to three chemists already in the area which had already been affected when the Tesco Pharmacy opened. If the local pharmacies closed people without transport could not access Boots. The application would have an adverse effect on local retailers and he suggested that the evidence could be seen in the number of local shops which had already disappeared. He indicated that a large Boots store was not required at the retail park and would urge the application to be refused.


Councillor Howarth speaking on behalf of Belmont Parish Council echoed what had been said by Councillor Thomson. She referred to page 46 paragraph 20 of the report which was the only paragraph which concentrated on the local impact of a further pharmacy. She indicated that she did not know how local chemists could not be affected, if Boots opened it would take trade away from current pharmacies and people who did not have transport could not access Boots. Local chemists were scattered about which were accessed by people on foot who were older people. She asked that members think about their own areas.


Mr Blatchford speaking in support of the application indicated that a comprehensive report had been submitted by officers and he would concur with the officer’s recommendation. He went on to say that the unit had been vacant for nearly 2 years and had made no contribution to the local community. A licence had already been granted by the NHS and the Retail Park was included on the latest approved list of Site for Pharmaceutical Services. Boots had also agreed to contribute £20,000 to support the Council’s Heart of the City Shop front initiatives. There would be no material impact on the City Centre or Pharmacies which was supported by evidence of other Boots chemists which were located on out of town sites.


The Development Control Manager indicated that the NHS encouraged accessibility to pharmacies in areas such as retail parks where people already visit in numbers and that a licence had already been granted. This application was an acceptable use and in his opinion did not feel the effects were sufficient to refuse the application.


Councillor Moran sympathised with the other pharmacies but indicated that we live in a world or competition and would move the recommendation of approval.


Councillor Freeman indicated that Durham City Council in 2004 applied conditions so that this type of business was unable to occupy a unit and would support refusal of the application.


The Development Control Manager indicated that the approval granted in 2004 was approved by the Secretary of State and that a condition had been put in place to reduce the impact on local shops. This condition had previously been amended to allow Argos and Sports World to occupy a unit on the retail park to reflect changing patterns of retail activity.


Resolved: That the application be APPROVED subject to a revision of condition no’s 3 and 4 into one combined condition.


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