Agenda item



The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 2017 were confirmed as a correct record and were signed and initialled by the Chairman.


The Neighbourhood Protection Manager, Ian Hoult referred to Minute 4, Quarterly Performance and Operational Report, noting the long service of two of the Officers working at Durham Crematorium.  He explained that, as the Service Manager with responsibility for the Council’s Crematoria, he took great comfort that the strong reputation that had been built up as regards Durham Crematorium was in safe hands.  The Neighbourhood Protection Manager noted that while there had been a lot of investment and change at Durham Crematorium, the performance of the facility and quality of the service had not been negatively affected by those works, a testament to the frontline staff providing excellent customer service for our residents.


Members were asked to thank the Crematorium Attendant, Mr Stephen Tinkler who had worked at Durham Crematorium for 30 years.


The Neighbourhood Protection Manager explained that the Bereavement Services Manager, Graham Harrison, had worked within Local Authorities for 30 years, with his current role also encompassing the management of the Council’s other Crematorium, Mountsett Crematorium at Dipton, as well as those cemeteries operated by the Authority.


Members were asked to thank the Bereavement Services Manager, for his 30 years of service.


The Chairman thanked the Neighbourhood Protection Manager, asked the Members of the Joint Committee to show their appreciation for the Officers’ long service, and suggested that a letter of thanks from the Joint Committee be sent to the two Officers.




(i)         That the Minutes of the meeting held 26 April 2017 be agreed as a correct record be noted.

(ii)        That a letter thanking those Officers with 30 years’ service be prepared      and sent on behalf of the Joint Committee.


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